"The entire universe is condensed in the body and the entire body in the Heart. 
Thus the Heart is the nucleus of the whole universe."
Ramana Maharshi

Highest Appreciation (quotes + video) open

Registration Form 10.2022 open

Sally Kempton on Meditation open

Gratitude and Grief open

An Attitude of Gratitude open

A New Normal read more

Yoga Tips view more . . 

Welcome to Light of the Heart Yoga™ home of Svaroopa® yoga in Holliston where every student receives individual attention.


Most everyone can do and enjoy this style due to the use of props that support you at your present comfort level. In Svaroopa® yoga the emphasis is on support which allows the body to release deeply held tensions. The approach is compassionate.


Each class starts and ends with Shavasana, yoga’s relaxation pose. All the poses in between are carefully chosen to release the tension in the muscles connecting to the spine, starting at the tailbone. This allows the spine to decompress and habitual patterns of tension to unravel. As a result chronic pain is alleviated, the mind stops running you ragged and becomes peaceful, the heart also lightens up. You discover a whole new way of being.


Students at Light of the Heart Yoga™ often hear the suggestion to “soften into the pose and allow the pose to do the work for you.” No straining, pushing or over-doing are necessary to receive the many benefits that Svaroopa® yoga has to offer. Students typically leave class feeling uplifted and deepy relaxed.


You can reclaim “a more at ease and energized you” as well as the light of your own heart. This is yoga’s promise. It starts with the first class. All are welcome. No experience is necessary.


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Schedule and
Events and Workshops
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Read what students say about their Svaroopa® yoga practice:

"The Ujjayi breathing practice helps me to focus my busy mind into one very peaceful, relaxed place." Elizabeth

"I look forward to this practice. It makes me feel refreshed. At the end of my practice my priorities are straightened out. I see what is important." Ellen read more

Svaroopa is a registered service mark and Embodyment is a service mark of S.T. C., Inc., used under license.